Member Details

Job Service North Dakota-Williston Logo
Professional / Financial

Job Service North Dakota-Williston

422 1st Ave W
Williston, ND58801

Job Service North Dakota provides workforce and unemployment services across the state in our nine Workforce Centers and at our Central location in Bismarck, ND. We offer a variety of services for both job seekers and employers.

The Williston JSND Workforce Center provides scheduled monthly in-person outreach services in Tioga on the 3rd Thursday of each month at City Hall from 9:00– 11:30 am. Williston JSND also provides assistance at Tioga events, including Tioga Drone Camp, THS Career Day, Real World Camp, Tioga Job Fairs and more. JSND Williston staff will happily participate come to Tioga more often as needed/desired by the community! If you think of ways in which we could be of more service to Tioga – just let us know!